Legal interest of larceny is the interest and value protected by criminal law but violated by theft action. 盗窃罪的法益是指为刑法保护而被盗窃行为所侵害的利益和价值。
The ecological legal interest is ought to be one member of the interest group in criminal law, because it is one of the most important values which are the modernizing of criminal law pursued. 生态法益作为环境危机形势下刑法现代化应当追求的重要价值,应当成为刑法法益四元利益结构的重要部分,以满足环境刑法体系、利益结构及刑法保障属性的要求。
The Legal Interest Trespassed Against and Target of Crime in Crime of Swindling; 我国刑法规定的诈骗罪是取得型侵犯财产犯罪中犯罪率较高的一种。
And the infringer shall bear the reasonable cost paid by the infringed party for the investigation of the operator ′ s act of unfair competition that has impaired the legal interest of the infringed party. 并应当承担被侵害者因调查该经营者侵害其合法权益的不正当竞争行为所支付的合理费用。
Is a document any person with a legal interest in a property can lodge with the Titles Office to ensure the property is not sold without their knowledge. Caveat是与财产有法定利益的人的声明书,确保财产不能在不通知他们的情况下售出。
Legal interest is defined as the interest and value confirmed and protected by law. 法益是指由法律确认和保护的利益和价值。
It is a long argued issue concerning what legal interest the property crimes inflict in the criminal law theories of continental legal system countries, represented by Germany and Japan. 财产罪侵害何种法益是以德日为代表的大陆法系国家刑法理论上早有争议的问题。
When the right ought to be is not become legal right but is protected by law indirectly, it is legal interest. 在应然权利尚未上升到法定权利但是通过法律间接地予以保护之后,则表现为法益的正常状态。
Secondly, there are some contradictions between the system of civil fights and the growing of legal interest. 二是民事权利体系的建构与利益生长性之间的矛盾。
Commodity house opens to booking a contract to execute register put on record system, be helpful for protecting the legal interest of the person that buy a house, defend the safety that estate trades. 商品房预售合同实行登记备案制度,有利于保护购房人的合法利益,维护房地产交易的安全。
The main defects of the former theory are that it focuses on criminal acts as violations of norms, which is inconsistent with criminal law's aim of protecting legal interest; 行为无价值论的主要缺陷在于:强调犯罪的规范违反性,与保护法益的刑法目的相冲突;
When they divorced she retained a legal interest in the property. 他们离婚时,她保留了房屋的合法产权。
There are some defects in the theory of balance of legal interest, which makes it difficult to interpret problems of criminal law. 法益衡量说在理论设计上存在的缺陷,使得结果无价值论在刑法解释上难以自圆其说。
The former is legitimate, the narrow sense enticement detection, it takes the worthless and legal interest in the results as the legal basis for the measure but legalized; 前者是合法的、狭义的诱惑侦查,其以结果无价值和法益衡量说为法理基础而合法化;
The legal interest of the criminal law is the interest and value safeguarded by the criminal law. 刑法法益是刑法保护的利益和价值。
General clause of tort law in the countries of the continental law system is the basis of claim of judicial remedy of civil legal interest. 大陆法系各国侵权行为法的一般条款是对民事法益进行司法救济的请求权基础。
There are two ways to protect civil legal interest with judicial remedy and legislative affirmation. 民事法益获得法律保护的途径包括司法救济与立法确认。
Civil law uses private legal interest as the foundation of its protection to social legal interest and unfair competition law take social legal interest as a prerequisite to its protection to private legal interest. 民法对社会法益的保护以个人法益为基石,反不正当竞争法对个人法益的保护以对社会法益的保护为前提。
This action disturbs freight forwarding market seriously and infracts the legal interest of consigner and carrier. 这种做法严重地扰乱了货代市场的秩序,侵害货主或承运人的合法权益。
Actual life requires us to pay close attention to another legal mechanism& civil legal interest. 关注民事权利之外的另一个法律机制&民事法益是现实生活对我们提出的要求。
This mode can protect the legal interest more suitable, and it is mort suitable for our country. 这种立法模式能对法益进行适当的保护,比较适合我国各方面现状。
Robbery accomplishment and the attempted dispute should be based on legal interest protection. 抢劫罪既遂与未遂的争议应立足于法益保护。
If interfered, the specific administrative action will have legal interest relations with the non-counterpart, not the contrary. 当起诉人所属的某种法律关系已经或必将受到具体行政行为的侵扰时,其与该具体行政行为就有法律上的利害关系,反之则无。
The study of legal interest of property is ultimately to define what property crimes refer to. 财产法益研究的最终目的在于确定财产犯罪的界限。
The author make a comparison between the term of trespass of legal interest and social harmfulness. 比较研究了社会危害性和法益侵害等概念。
Legal interest is the cornerstone of the criminal law theory, and plays an enormous role in the criminal legislation and judicial practice. 法益是刑法理论的基石,对刑事立法和司法都发挥着巨大的作用。
The personal legal interest means mainly general personal interest. 人身性法益主要指一般人格利益。
Civil right and legal interest all come from the life interest, their essence is the same. 由此可见,权利和法益的本质是一致的,二者都源于生活利益。
Second, the legal interest protected by tort law must be expectable. 其二,侵权行为法保护的法益要符合行为人的期待可能性。
The first is the relation of financial security and the legal interest of criminal law. 首先,金融安全与法益的关系。